Sunday, November 11, 2012

and the winner is...

Cara Lulù


send me your snail mail addy @
and your ribbons will be on the way to you!

many thanks to everyone who took a moment 
 to stop by and say hello!


ArtPropelled said...

Great to see you back in the blog world Lisa.
Congrats to Cara Lulu!

Caralulù said...

Grazie Lisa sono felicissima di poter ricevere questo regalo!! Un bacio

Debrina said...

Well fancy that! We've effectively restarted our blogs together after a long sojourn (my last posting was in July, and I think yours in May?). Great minds think alike!!
Anyway, great to have one of my longtime blogger buddies back on blogger board and part of the friendly, wonderfully supportive creative community that it is. Hope you are hail and hearty Lisa, and let's stay in touch. You would love it here in Thailand: sari silk for miles around because of the large Indian contingent here in Bangkok!!

Chesterbrook Academy Elementary said...

I just discovered your blog.
Beautiful artwork.
I will visit again.

Gaby Bee said...

Glad to see you back in blogland, Lisa! Congrats to the lucky winner!

Happy December to you...
Gaby xo

Gaby Bee said...

I'm going to take a little break. Sending warm wishes to you and your loved ones for a wonderful Christmas and much health and happiness for 2013.

