"catching the dream"
mixed media assemblage created for a challenge at mixed media art
16 x 9" layered chicken wire embedded with found objects and fibers.
an ancient rusty wind chime hangs from the bottom
contrasted with silk ribbons.
"the dream was always running ahead of me.
to catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it,
that was the miracle" -anais nin
this piece is my intrepretation of the above quote. as always
there are many layers of details and elements to see!
5" x 7" fabric collage designed on an artboard then
embedded into the 16 x 9 " layers of chicken wire.
the quote is hand stitched onto
a base of deeply layered fabric and textures. at the top of the text
is a very interesting old victorian glass thingy to which
i've adhered a dragonfly printed on a transparency
to the surface. i wanted to add interest but maintain the
transparent appearance.
the 4" deep sides are
filled the layers of wire with beach stones and glass,
grapevine and driftwood and bits of vintage text.
i can't believe i didn't cut myself while working with
all this sharp wire! metal fabric mesh embellished with hand stitched
crystal beads is wrapped all around the sides
to create depth and an ethereal feel.
at the base i've fashioned a birds nest out of grapevine, wire,
silk rods and mohair.
silk rod with vintage button and mohair wrapped with wire and beads.
i think jewelry making is in my future.. i really love working with wire!
beach glass and a part of the slate from the roof of my house...